Welcome to the TMT+ARTiFACTS workspace!
This is a workspace and community hub for authors, editors, and readers of the Telehealth and Medicine Today journal.
This free service enables authors to secure the provenance of all their research materials and receive citations to these works, expanding their citation profile and impact on their discipline. To help you begin, please go to our getting started guide. This guide provides tips for using ARTiFACTS and, when scrolling down a bit you will also find pointers specifically for BHTY authors. You will also find more information at our ARTiFACTS website about how we are enabling researchers to securely manage the provenance of their research, share works with colleagues and receive formal citation recognition for their contributions.
For more background, please read our recent news announcement of the TMT+ARTiFACTS collaboration as follows:
Telehealth and blockchain medical journals take lead in stamping research on blockchain for secure sharing and reproducibility in scientific community
Stamford, CT and Cambridge, Mass. USA April XX, 2020 – We are pleased to announce the world’s first life science research portal for authors and global communities of the peer review journals Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) and Telehealth and Medicine Today (TMT). The newly launched portal will register each original research article’s provenance on the blockchain for every author to create a permanent and immutable public record of their work on the blockchain for the scientific community.
The TMT+ARTiFACTS portal provides custom dashboards for each journal so authors and research teams can:
1. Transact smart contracts on the blockchain to secure the provenance of their research files and receive citations in real time
2. Control access to their research materials
3. Synchronize with their ORCID ID’s and works including many other capabilities and features
With this new portal, Partners in Digital Health provides BHTY and TMT authors a valuable service that:
- Links supporting research materials with articles
- Increases the citation impact of authors and these journals by accruing citations to the supporting research materials linked with articles
- Derives real time insights from views of research activity across the publication, author community, and
- Identifies emerging research of interest for BHTY and TMTY communities
Tory Cenaj, Founder and publisher, Partners in Digital Health, stated:
“We recognized the value of this blockchain enabled research platform early on having establishing the first journal portfolio partnership with ARTiFACTS. The urgency in accelerating the development of medicines and cures is critically evident now and sharing work for reproducibility enhances the benefits of collaboration in the life science research community. “Building trust through truth” provides the foundation to build open and equitable access in real time across scientific communities. We’re ethically bound to facilitate finding faster ways to bring open data to market”
ARTiFACTS utilizes blockchain and Web 3 technologies to create a searchable and citable index of metadata for pre-published and published works. ARTiFACTS transacts blockchain records on the bloxberg ledger, the global leading science-focused Ethereum blockchain-based infrastructure, managed by an international consortium of prominent research organizations and led by the Max Planck Society’s Digital Library.
Dave Kochalko, CEO and Founder of ARTiFACTS, said:
“We are delighted to offer ARTiFACTS services for the editorial teams of these esteemed journals, their authors and the global community interested in the innovative research emerging about blockchain applications and telehealth advancements in healthcare. As a scholarly publishing leader collaborating with ARTiFACTS, Partners in Digital Health reaffirms the role BHTY and TMT play as innovators driving the enhancement of scholarly communications.”
The TMT+ARTiFACTS public dashboard is live for authors and the research community to use. Orientation webinars will be announced soon.
Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) is the world’s first peer review journal exclusively dedicated to an evolving health technology innovation sector. BHTY is the first-in-class open-access international online journal for strategic thought leaders, practitioners, and stakeholders exclusively engaged in the use of blockchain and intersecting technologies to modernize health systems and provide quality affordable care for health consumers.
Telehealth and Medicine Today (TMT) is the open access online, international peer review journal where multidisciplinary thought leaders, practitioners, and stakeholders converge to address strategic, medical, technical, legal, policy, economic, and social aspects of this growing health technology sector to provide quality affordable care for citizens around the globe.
Contact Tory Cenaj Founder and Publisher t.cenaj@partnersindigitalhealth.com
The bloxberg Blockchain Consortium for Science aims to foster collaboration among the global scientific community, empowering researchers with robust, autonomous services that transcend institutional boundaries.
ARTiFACTS is the first public blockchain based application specifically designed to enable researchers to create a permanent and immutable record of research material in real time. As the first partner building on the bloxberg Ethereum-based distributed ledger to provide researchers with real-time stamping and citation-focused tools, ARTiFACTS is an academic and research platform utilizing distributed ledger technology enabling Registered Users to upload or provide a link to a central repository of research. Users establish proof-of-existence for their materials and track and link them by instigating immutable transactions on a secure blockchain. Materials include digital files of any description. Users may choose from many alternative file or code repositories for storing their research and users retain control over how they are accessed and by whom.
With millions of metadata records of research outputs in ARTiFACTS, the pool of discoverable and citable works continues to grow daily. Having recently introduced full synchronization with services like ORCID, ARTiFACTS services are easily accessed by the over 8 million member ORCID community.
To learn more, visit us at artifacts.ai and follow us on Twitter @ARTiFACTS_ai.
Contact Emma Boswood, Director or Community
Engagement, emma@artifacts.ai.