
The Artifacts VERIFY Solution

A system for identifying SF drugs in the supply chain


PAD – Paper Analytical Device

SF – Substandard and Falsified drugs (commonly known as counterfeit or fake)

HPLC – High Performance Liquid Chromatography

API – Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient


Artifacts VERIFY is a post-market surveillance system for identifying and reporting substandard and falsified drugs in the supply chain.
  • Samples are tested on-site
  • Potential SF drugs are identified in real time
  • Faulty medicines are analyzed by testing laboratories
  • Alerts and reports guide mitigation efforts
  • Chain of data custody recorded on blockchain


Our service combines essential scientific know-how with an information technology platform and operating materials for rapid deployment.
  • Subscription includes the Artifacts VERIFY database platform, PAD test cards, mobile PADReader App, and test laboratory services
  • HPLC, LCMS, and other sophisticated analyses are conducted to confirm APIs
  • Advanced analytics identify contamination hotspots and inform decision-making


Our unique value proposition delivers alerts and analytics backed by scientific analyses of medicine safety and quality where products are administered, prescribed, and distributed
  • Real time detection of SF drugs using chemical analysis
  • Retrospective and predictive analytics for decision-makers
  • A simple but effective way of improving drug safety and saving lives

How Artifacts VERIFY uses Science and AI to Identify Potential SF Drugs

Artifacts VERIFY is a SaaS information system that collects data and reports results of chemical analyses of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) of medicines. It is configurable to meet the testing requirements of the most common APIs and can be deployed in local and remote settings where medicines are administered and prescribed.
  • Destructive testing and chromatographic screening of drugs on-site using Paper Analytical Device cards (PADs)
  • Artificial Intelligence interprets and delivers initial findings immediately via mobile App
  • Chemical assays performed in certified laboratories identify API ingredients and contaminants
  • Analytics report emergence of contamination hot spots and geographic patterns in SF findings
  • Data secured on blockchain provide a source of trusted information for audit and compliance purposes

PAD Technology

Paper Analytical Device cards (PADs) contain multiple color tests embedded into paper microfluidic devices which identify APIs and excipients present in medicines

Artifacts VERIFY uses PADs, which meet USP PAD Technology 2 specifications, to identify suspect drugs

All dosage forms of medicines can be analyzed with PADs using a simple three-step process

01. Crush the tablet or break the capsule Spread the contents onto a PAD card
02. Dip the card in water The card will react within 3-4 minutes when placed in 1 cm of water
03. Capture the color-coded results and view findings Results are interpreted using an AI-based neural network and findings are returned to our PAD Reader App

Suspect samples are sent to a specialized lab for confirmation of PAD findings

Receiving PAD findings in real-time guides mitigation actions including notifications and sequestering questionable medicines

Laboratory Analysis

How Artifacts VERIFY uses advance laboratory analysis to confirm the status of potential SF drugs identified by PADs

Confirmatory analyses using scientifically recognized techniques, including HPLC and LCMS

  • Over half of the APIs in the WHO 600 Essential Medicines can be analyzed by the ARTiFACTS Verify System
  • Samples are analyzed in the field with suitable equipment or routed to laboratories
  • Confirmatory analysis identifies APIs and other ingredients (benign or toxic)
  • Dashboard displays results and analyses that identify trends, vulnerabilities, and impact

Data Analytics and Security

How Artifacts VERIFY provides powerful analytics and maintains data integrity

Collecting granular data about APIs, brands, lot numbers, users, and processes across geographic locations yields actionable insights in real time whose chain of custody is secured

  • Randomized sample collection for destructive assessments at any point in the supply chain
  • All workflow steps and data are recorded onto blockchain, including product information, scientific data, location, users
  • Permanent immutable data archive confirms information for decision-makers in healthcare, government, and pharma
  • Aggregated and disambiguated data provide intelligence and predictive insights for stakeholder interventions

Artifacts VERIFY demonstration

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Learn how to protect patients, brand reputation, and intellectual property from SF medicines

Learn how to protect patients from SF medicines