
Use Cases

For healthcare, supply chain, and research organizations

Artifacts VERIFY delivers actionable information to prevent SF drugs from reaching patients


  • Academic Research Partner:  The Lieberman Lab at the University of Notre Dame with its research scientists, collaborators in Africa and East Asia, and Distributed Pharmaceutical Analytical Laboratories (DPAL) network of university laboratories
  • Commercial Laboratory Partners: Artifacts VERIFY secures contracts with independent, certified commercial laboratories based on customer requirements


  • Multi-tenant architecture maintains customer data privacy
  • Dashboards display actionable intelligence and reporting that informs mitigation steps
  • Blockchain encryption permanently secures data for audit compliance and chain of custody confirmations
  • AWS service levels adapt as client load fluctuates to deliver reliable system responsiveness


  • Early-adopters who propose “at scale” projects will receive favorable terms and arrangements for subscription licenses
  • Scientific research teams are encouraged to submit proposals for academic licenses

How the Lieberman Lab at Notre Dame uses Artifacts VERIFY to identify SF drugs

>Proof Pharmaceutical samples are obtained and screened for quality and safety from hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies in the sub-Saharan Africa region
>Proof Samples tested with PADs are forwarded to the Lieberman Lab for further analysis
>Proof Chemical assays are performed by a network of university laboratories in North America and Europe
>Proof Results of these analyses are immediately available in Artifacts VERIFY for scientific analysis and reporting to healthcare providers and regulatory authorities

Research projects in which Artifacts VERIFY is being used



Incorporating Verify into an ongoing multi-year effort accelerates access to and visibility of results for the scientists and national government agencies in Sub-Saharan Africa engaged monitoring the quality of medicines that are distributed by pharmacies.


Chemotherapy Medicine

The high expense, stringent handling requirements, and emerging shortages of these drugs are factors driving a longterm research program among collaborators in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Malawi to assess the safety of medications administered in hospitals and clinical settings.


Contaminated Opioids

The epidemic of contaminated opioids is driving the design of a research program that will monitor drug contaminants and inform the development of prevention and treatment services.

Organizations interested in Artifacts VERIFY

Healthcare and Philanthropic Organizations

Artifacts VERIFY Objectives

Deepen relationships with existing collaborators

Expand monitoring of APIs among Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs)

Identify partners in developed markets where drug safety concerns are emerging

Supply Chain Management Providers

Artifacts VERIFY Objectives

Provide analytics to support real-time mitigation activities

Reduce financial and operational risks for manufacturers

Complement existing technologies that monitor drug safety

Scientific Research Organizations

Artifacts VERIFY Objectives

Build an integrated global data resource for scientists, policy-makers, providers and patients

Provide insights into the incidence of SF drugs by drug type and geography

Advance development of innovations that identify SF medicines

Get in touch Get in touch

Learn how to protect patients, brand reputation, and intellectual property from SF medicines

Learn how to protect patients from SF medicines